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Everything You Ever Needed to Know About Mulch

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12 July,2022

Everything You Ever Needed to Know About Mulch

Everything You Ever Needed to Know About Mulch

As we prepare for spring and the well-being of our lawns, mulching goes a long way in ensuring you maintain a lush and healthy landscape. However, most people who take on DIY tree care and maintenance don't have all the information about mulching. Understanding the benefits and disadvantages of mulch can help you avoid potential issues in the future. Leverage our tree service providers' extensive industry knowledge and experience, and have all your questions about mulch answered.

Southern Star Tree has provided tree care and maintenance for many years, and our technicians have encountered many questions about mulch. While mulch increases absorption by plants up to 70% compared to areas without or covered in grass, it is vital to understand what it is and what to expect for optimal results. Here are some of the commonly asked questions about mulch and the responses from our team of experts.

What Time of Year Should I Mulch?

Trees usually mulch themselves when dead limbs and dry leaves fall and remain on the ground throughout the year. Although this process occurs regularly, the main mulching occurs in the fall when deciduous trees lose their leaves. One of the main reasons this is beneficial to trees is to regulate soil temperature, keeping it warm so trees can grow healthy roots for absorption of nutrients and water.

If you don't know when to start mulching the trees in your backyard, a tree care company can help. Mulch not only protects the roots from direct sunlight but also regulates the temperature in the soil to prevent damage. It is vital to consider air temperature when mulching to determine the amount of mulch needed.

What Type of Mulch Should I Use?

Mulch comes in different types, such as shredded tires, gravel, double shredded hardwood, and pine tags, among many others. While plants usually mulch themselves using dead limbs and leaves, they don't have a particular method and compromise your property's aesthetics. This results in raking and cleanups, which doesn't give the organic waste time to break down and provide nutrients.

The commonly preferred mulch material is shredded leaves, but the double shredded hardwood can also be used without compromising the nutritional content in the soil. It would help if you also considered putting a light layer of compost or shredded leaves and a light layer of hardwood mulch for optimal results.

How Much Mulch Should I Use?

A big problem with DIY mulching projects is over mulching, whether you are doing it too frequently or putting down too much mulch. The most effective mulching strategy is mimicking mother nature, meaning the mulch breaks down at the same rate as applied. You will never see the number of leaves in the woods gradually increase, and you must maintain 2 to 4 inches of mulch annually.

The right amount of mulch ensures proper air and water circulation, preventing further damage like root death. Contact us at Southern Star Tree and schedule an appointment with our tree care experts. We believe healthy soil equals healthy plants, and we can help you maintain a lush and healthy lawn throughout the year.


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