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Ways Urban Trees Make You More Active Outdoors

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24 January,2021

Ways Urban Trees Make You More Active Outdoors

Ways Urban Trees Make You More Active Outdoors

We all know that trees increase the quality of life for the human species by producing oxygen we breath and sequestering harmful carbon dioxide, but the benefits of trees do not stop there. Urban trees have a therapeutic effect and actually make residents more active outdoors. Businesses, corporate centers, and governing bodies who want physically active communities should invest in urban tree planting and maintenance. Southern Star Tree Service is a leading tree service company with years of experience planting and upkeeping trees. These are some of the ways that we believe urban trees make residents more active outdoors.

Trees Provide Stress Relief

The age of information has brought with it the stress of information overload. It has also forced humans into a new environment where means are collected indoors as most jobs are migrating into the cyber world. One of the most well-researched benefits of nature is its capacity to decrease stress, rumination, and anxiety levels in humans. Studies have shown that people who “forest bath,” or spend time among the trees, experience less hostility, fatigue, confusion, and depressive symptoms. Even 15 minutes away from our modern, frenzied lifestyle and into nature can offer significantly better mood.

Trees Improve Our Health

Oxygen production and carbon monoxide elimination are not the only health benefits trees provide. Many studies have shown that walking among trees strengthen immune systems and heart health. Spending time in forests lower blood pressure, cortisol levels, pulse rates, and sympathetic nervous system activity. This creates a positive feedback loop where residents become healthier by going outdoors, then go outdoors more often because they are healthier.

Trees Lead to Less Crime

Correlation does not mean causation, but there are promising studies that show less crime in areas with more tree canopy cover. The study found that a 10 percent increase in tree canopy associated with a 10 decrease in battery rate and 11 percent less assault, robbery, and narcotics. Researchers are unsure about the exact reason for this correlation, but guesses are that trees draw people out of their homes and lead to more eyes to ward off potential offenders. Again, you have a positive feedback loop leading to safer and more active living quarters.

Trees Strengthen Social Ties

Humans are naturally social creatures. Picnics, biking, running, and other activities often performed in areas with luscious trees bring people together and strengthen social ties. Tree cover provides the atmosphere for these activities and encourages neighbors to interact and form greater relationships. If you are hoping to create an environment conducive to community togetherness, then planting trees is the right step to take.

Ready to Plan Your Urban Layout?

If you are convinced that it is time to add a touch of green to your landscape or if you have some further questions, then feel free to call Southern Star Tree Service. We are a professional tree company with a cumulative 40 years of experience. Our live representatives and friendly staff are always looking for ways to help the community grow. Call Southern Star Tree Service now to speak with a friendly professional.


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