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How Do You Know When It’s Time to Remove a Tree?

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06 August,2020

How Do You Know When It’s Time to Remove a Tree?

How Do You Know When It’s Time to Remove a Tree?

We are tree huggers here at Southern Star Tree. We like to evaluate every option before resorting to removing a tree, especially if it is still healthy. However, we understand that everyone’s circumstance and situation is different. Sometimes a tree removal is necessary. Sometimes, however, it is not clear whether it’s time to remove a tree. We get a lot of questions from customers about the timing of tree removals. So, we thought we would share some information here in an article. If you have any specific questions or concerns, you are welcome to call the professionals at Southern Star Tree. Our ISA-certified arborists are always happy to help.

The Tree Is Decaying or Extensively Diseased

There are plenty of signs that show that a tree is past the point of no return. Disease and decay can overwhelm a tree and seriously compromise the future growth of the tree. When disease or decay is at a level at which the tree is unlikely to heal, then it is probably best to call an arborist and have the tree removed. Some signs include:

  • Compromised Trunk: A tree trunk that is rotted or hallow inside is unsafe and also likely unhealthy. Cracks, splits, large wounds, and dead branch stubs are all signs of internal decay.
  • Sprouts at The Base: These sprouts are also known as epicormic shoots and indicate that a tree is seriously stressed.
  • Dead Branches: Take a look at the branches. If over 50 percent of the tree is dead or damaged, then it should probably be removed.
  • Root Defects: Your tree takes in its nutrients through its roots. Heaving soil and fungi near the trees base are signs of root issues.

The Tree Poses A Threat

Trees are ones of nature’s marvelous fixtures, but they can pose great risk as well. Trees and even large branches are surprisingly heavy, enough to even crush roofs, vehicles, and even pedestrians. Therefore, it is important that you trim branches so that they do not threaten personal property and lives. If a tree is close to a house, structure, or utility poles, then we recommend that you have an arborist inspect the tree. If trimming will not suffice, then removing the tree might be in everyone’s best interest. Remember, you, the tree owner, will be responsible for any damaged caused by the tree.

The Tree Disturbs the Landscape

We do not like to remove healthy trees, but sometimes trees take up valuable real estate that will be used for other productive purposes. If a tree is in the way and taking up space or preventing sunlight, then it is surely reasonable to want to have it removed. Our arborists are happy to help you consider alternatives such as, perhaps, relocating the tree if possible. Give us a call if you would like to schedule an appointment with an ISA-certified arborist. We do have 24-hour emergency services if your tree removal need is urgent. Our friendly representatives are ready to take your call.


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