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Trimming Tools You Should Have

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17 September,2021

 Trimming Tools You Should Have

Trimming Tools You Should Have

The point of having trees in your yard is to get the most out of them – enjoy their beauty, enjoy the shade and privacy they provide, and most importantly, the oxygen they provide. If you want to be able to enjoy all of those things, you need to properly maintain your tree. If you don’t provide them with regular maintenance, they can create a risk to your home, your car, and your family. If you don’t provide them with the care and attention they need, you will most likely end up needing a tree service such as tree trimming or tree removal. Are you looking for a tree company to help revive your trees? Give Southern Star Tree a call today!

As a homeowner, you are always going to be doing some sort of maintenance on your home. Meaning, you need the proper tools to do that maintenance. Since the leaves are starting their descent from your tree branches, now is the perfect time to do some tree trimming. But to do this properly, you need the right trimming tools. What are the trimming tools you need? Keep reading to find out…

3 Trimming Tools You Need To Own

1.  Pruning shears

The most important tool you need for tree trimming is pruning shears. These pruning shears aren’t just for trees, making them a super versatile tool to have in your kit. Pruning shears look like household scissors and they are great for getting any dead twigs or small branches off of your tree. When using pruning shears, you want to pay attention to the shape of your hand, your grip, and what things you are going to be trimming. You wouldn’t use this tool for trimming off larger branches – you’d need Loppers for that job.

2.  Loppers

If you are looking to remove some larger branches off your tree, you’re going to need a pair of loppers. Loppers are a bigger version of pruning shears, but they are much stronger and sturdier. Whether you have branches that are hanging too low or too close to your home, Loppers are going to be your go-to tool for removing any larger branches from your tree.

3.  Pole pruner

When it comes to older trees, branches can be stubborn sometimes. If you’re trying to remove some stubborn branches that just don’t seem to want to leave or you want to remove branches that you can’t reach, you’re going to need a pole pruner. Pole pruners are typically 15 feet in length and are used to remove dead branches that are high up in your tree. If you ask the team at Southern Star Tree, this is probably their most commonly used tree trimming tool!

Are you looking to build up your tree trimming kit for the upcoming fall season? Are you dealing with a dead tree and you need tree removal in Lilburn? Are you looking for a tree company that offers a variety of tree services? The team at Southern Star Tree is here to help in any way we can. Call our office today to learn more about our services and how we can help you with tree trimming today!


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